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Matching Bonus

As an added incentive to create a pay line or power line, ARIIX Representatives are rewarded through matching bonuses. The match bonus provides the ARIIX Representative compensation equal to a percentage of the base commission earned by the people they recruited as Representatives and their subsequent recruits at up to 7 "generation" levels. Therefore, individuals sponsored in a personal capacity by a Member or Representative are considered first generation to the sponsor. The people sponsored by this first generation are the second generation for the Initial Representative. This is similar to a family tree, in which grandparents' children are considered the first generation, while their grandchildren would be the second generation, and so on, up to seven generations.

Representatives qualify for their first 3 generations of matching bonuses by obtaining Gold or Silver Status. To qualify to win the fourth or fifth generation matching bonuses, base commission earnings of $ 500 USD and $ 1000 USD respectively are required each week. The sixth generation requires to have at least one optimized income position per week and the seventh generation is granted with a second optimized income position or 4 optimized lines in a single income position per week. An IIX membership doubles the equivalent percentage across all qualifying generations. The following table shows the percentage of base commissions paid in the sponsorship tree, as well as the corresponding qualification associated with obtaining the bonus.

Equivalent sponsorship tree beyond Gold Membership Requirement

Generation 1 - 15% -  Gold status only 

Generation 2 - 10% -  Gold status only 

Generation 3 - 5% -  Gold status only 

Generation 4 - 5% -  $ 500 USD in base commissions

Generation 5 - 5% -  $ 1000 USD in base commissions

Generation 6 - 5% -  1st position optimized income

Generation 7 - 5% -  Optimized 2nd income position 4 lines in a single income position

This match bonus is paid with dynamic compression. Representatives eligible to receive commissions with Gold or Silver status will occupy a generational level. The other Representatives will be removed from that particular week to stop occupying a generational level. As a result, all generations will move one level to the next sponsor up. If Silver status is re-achieved during any week, the equivalent bonus will resume for the Representative and all subsequent generations will be moved down one level again. Thus, the matching bonus is paid to each Representative who has earned a commission check of at least $ 30 USD in base commissions.

* [Gold and Silver status vary by market. See Appendix A.]

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